
Spring onion are a perennial grass that has a special smell. The leaves consist of 5-6 leaves, cylindrical hollow, 30- 50cm long, 4-8mm in diameter, swollen in the middle, tapered at the tip. The inflorescences grow on a hollow, cylindrical inflamed handle, with oblong inflorescences with a false canopy, but the false peduncle is so short that the inflorescence looks spherical. Perianth consists of 2 rings, each ring consists of 3 wings, 3 white sepals 6 stamens, only bulging at the base, no teeth, anther-shaped T-shaped, 2 compartments, 1 mm long, one stent, gourd, 3 compartments, each compartment has many ovules. Follicles, circle diameter of about 6mm, seed edge, black.

Trademark: Arofarm

Origin: Viet Nam

Tháng: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12



In onions there are malic acid, phytin and alylsulfite, in onions with essential oils, in addition Scallions contain low calorie content but are very rich in vitamin K, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A and folate.


1. Used as a side dish, spice used in processing a variety of dishes.
2. Prevention and treatment of a number of diseases such as strengthening the immune system, enhancing cardiovascular health, preventing cancer, fighting bacterial infections, fighting against fevers, headache …
3. Onions have beauty effects as an effective weight loss aid.